How to sweep a rug and some other helpful hints

by Modi Arti Admin

One of the most important accessories in every home is rugs. In addition to being easy to use, carpets are also important for home aesthetics. Today, carpets are produced in different types, the most important of them are handmade and machine-made carpets. Different rugs have different price, which is not the same according to their value. In any case, carpets are a valuable commodity that needs to be protected.

Proper sweeping of the carpet and prolonging the lifespan

One of the most important steps you can take to protect your carpet is to sweep it properly. Proper sweeping of the carpet and prolonging the life of the carpet are directly related. If sweeping is done properly, the result will be nothing but increasing the life of the carpet. It does not require specialized knowledge or is not a complicated method. Here are some tips:

Proper carpet sweeping is done in the direction of sleeping carpet lint. If sweeping is not in the direction of sleeping lint, the process will put pressure on the carpet lint, which over time will reduce the life of the carpet and we will see a lot of lint accumulating on the carpet.

Finding direction of sleep lints is easy, so it's enough to gently pull your hand over the rug, the direction in which your hand can move easily and smoothly is to make the rug sleep. But if the lint under your hand was rough, and you feel that the lint rises with the movement of your hand, this is not the direction of the carpet's sleep.

What kind of vacuum cleaners should we use to properly vacuum the carpet?

There are brooms that are suitable for each type of carpet in order to properly sweep them. For example, for low-lint carpets, you can use vacuum cleaners that have rotating brushes because by disrupting the lint, dust particles can be easily collected from inside the carpet.

There are some carpets that have a lot of lint and have a dense structure (wool carpets are of this type). Do not use inspection brooms for these carpets, it is recommended to use vacuum cleaners that are suction.

Proper sweeping of carpets is a factor in reducing bacteria

Just as proper carpet sweeping makes your carpets always clean and eye-catching, it will also reduce the bacteria and tiny insects in the carpet lint. This will keep the carpet and you healthy and prevent germs from accumulating inside the carpet. Note that excessive activity of bacteria and small insects can be a factor in the destruction of rugs.

Other ways to increase the life of the carpet

  • Heat and flammable appliances such as heaters and radiators will damage the carpets, do not place the carpet near them.
  • Do not fold the carpet at all when you want to move it, as this will damage the carpet and reduce its life. Use the rolling method to move. Rolling will not damage your carpet. Of course, in the case of handmade carpets, you can also use folding, but you can move machine-made rugs only by rolling.
  • The constant slipping of carpets also takes it out of its original state. It is better to use glue or carpet brakes to prevent the carpets from moving.
  • Pouring some stains also reduces the life of carpets. For this reason, it is necessary to pour a little yogurt on the dirty place immediately after pouring the stains, whether it is colored or oily, and then remove it with a spatula or spoon, and you will see that the stain will disappear with the yogurt.
  • Try not to place heavy items on the carpets at home as much as possible. If you have to place heavy items such as furniture, closets, tables or others on the carpet, change their place from time to time so as not to cause serious damage. In addition, you can place under heavy equipment some barrier so as not to put direct pressure on the carpets.


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