Ardakan Carpet

The texture of this type of carpet was made 150 years ago in Yazd province in the city Ardakan.

The carpets follow the designs of Kashan and Kerman designers. Their texture is usually weaker than Kashan's and Kerman's but in some cases they are better woven.

These carpets are priced according to their texture and generally are lower than their Kashan samples.Sometimes silk is used in their texture.

  • Currently, 70,000 meters of hand rugs are produced in Ardakan annually.
  • Ardakan Carpet Design is worldwide intellectual property.
  • It is usually woven in pairs.
  • Woven carpets in Yazd province are known as Ardakan carpets.

The warp of these rugs is cotton and tile - wool. The dyeing of the fibers with herbs is made in Ardakan. The carpets are Woven in creamy, green, pale brown, turquoise, red and navy colors.

Design of Ardakan carpets