Baluch rug

These rugs are woven in eastern Iran

The shapes in these carpets are taken from their living environment and their way of life

Broken lines and simple shapes and dark colors are the characteristics of these carpets

The softness of these rugs is very high

They are long lasting and their color is stable

The carpet is woven by the Baluchi people who were nomads

The softness and softness of this carpet is due to the fact that the wool of Baluchi sheep is used which is very good wool for carpet texture.

The main wool in these carpets is made of sheep but also usde of goat and camel wool.

In the past they used wool roots but did not use yarn

These carpets are characterized by their dark red color that is found in most Baluch rugs.

White and black are also used

Orange from henna

brown from walnuts

Red from the grape leaves

They produce

The texture of these carpets is 1,600 knots in 10 cm

Baluchi designs

Altar-frame -Arab woven -Toranje -Chicken-Tree-Shrub-Cashmere-

Baluch rugs are light and thin