Modern Persian rugs

by Modi Arti Admin

Persia is famous for its long history in carpet making. Classic Persian rug is very beautiful, very diverse and also expensive. People interested in vintage, unique and rare items love old style carpets with various ornaments and captivating colors, although, modern style Iranian rugs are gaining more popularity day by day. Modern style can be carpets with new design or renovated old ones.

Gabbeh carpets are good example of new simple design. Gabbehs are woolen rugs with high fur, very soft. Usually people use it in bedrooms and children rooms.

Check out Gabbeh rugs here

Renovation of old carpets is very useful technique to use. It saves damaged carpets and creates something new and beautiful. These carpets are treated with acid to achieve new look, which is very original.

Check out renovated modern style carpets here


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